Libro. Tort law in Spain (Kluwer Law International, 2022, 3ª edición).

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this book provides ready access to how the legal dimension of prevention against harm and loss allocation is treated in the Spain. This traditional branch of law not only tackles questions which concern every lawyer, whatever his legal expertise, but also concerns each person’s most fundamental rights on a worldwide scale. Disponible aquí.

Libro. Securitisation and mortgage bonds. Legal aspects and harmonisation in Europe (Gostick Hall, 2004).

The author, a well-known lawyer, examines in detail the two systems and comes to positive conclusions on the way forward. With a civil law background, supplemented with common law training, Dr Nasarre-Aznar is ideally suited to understand and resolve the legal and theoretical problems which inhibit harmonisation and delay the development of a truly continental opportunity to exploit one of the most important and stable types of financial transactions in Europe.
The examination of the legal structure is essential to the development of cross-border securitisation in property loans. This is a lucrative market waiting to be exploited.

– Presentado en Universidad Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, 31 marzo 2004)

– Presentado en el III Congreso Internacional “La tercera parte de los principios de derecho contractual europeo” (Lérida, 7 mayo 2004)

– Recensiones en: Anuario de Derecho Civil (Esther Arroyo, enero-marzo 2005); Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation (Paul Ali (Australia), 2004); y Trusts & Trustees (Paul Ali (Australia), septiembre, 2004).

– Traducción al árabe por la entidad “Development and Juristic Research Publishing House” de Arabia Saudita (enero, 2006).